Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shopped Till I Drop!!!

The last couple of days have been spent in Round Rock, hitting all the after Christmas sales...and going to Round Rock always means "shop till we drop"....we had an amazing time, don't get me wrong, but the fact that i was in bed by 11:30 Monday night was the BIG clue that we shopped ALL day.

We left around 10am and made it home about 1pm for lunch, left again about 2pm to head to the Round Rock outlet mail (that's a AWESOME place) left there about 5:30pm, went back to my Aunts House to make & eat dinner, left again about 7:45 and headed to the Pottery Barn...made it home about 9pm...and that was JUST Monday...Tuesday we left my Aunts house about 10:30 and shopped till about 3pm...then me,my mom, my sister & my 88 year old Granny left for the "berg" as the Round Rock group refers to Rosenberg...

I'm ALL shopped out!!!!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

What Child Is This?

Merry Christmas! I hope Santa Claus was good to you and your family this holiday season... Santa & MRS. Claus was good to me as usual...

...and this year Mrs. Claus turned 50...I could not be more happy to have the BEST momma CLAUS in the world...and she doesn't look a day over 20 (inside joke!)


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tis The P-A-R-T-Y

We had BIG family Christmas party at my cousin Tanya's new house in Needville...This are a few of my favorite pictures!!!!
Some of use girls: Jolie, Colleen, Dulcie, ME!

Some of the boys: Cameron, Casey, Kyle

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bad Weather = Sad Times

My parents are on there way home from a family friend funeral in Missouri, hence the “sad times”. On Monday the weather at its high was 24 degrees, (that the bad weather, part 1) so it funny to hear people at Target says it SO cold outside…if they only knew. Well today the are headed back to a warmer Texas…but the funny part is the roads are so covered in ice they are having to go very very slow on a major interstate highway. When they left at noon, Little Rock was only 56 miles from were they started (or something like that) and at noon, they were still very far away from Little Rock…my mom said they would be lucky if they made it home by 10pm, but that the goal…and if need be they will stop somewhere if it gets dark before they make it home. Good Times Good Time!!!!!

My parents took photos...I'll try to post some photos soon!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'll Be Home for Christmas...

I made it home safely on Friday morning. I made it to Rosenberg about 11:30am. Funny thing is that was not the plan! The plan was to sleep in and take my time, I had no reason to be back in to town until Saturday night. It's about a 3 hour drive from Nac to I was up and functioning about was good thing I only had to take a few things to may truck so I pretty much just got in a left!

YAY for being home! So with that said...the home computer is so SLOW...that make me a little sad :( just because

Thursday, December 11, 2008


YAY! I am so happy to be done with the Fall 2008 semester. I'm still in NAC, but will be in Rosenberg tomorrow...another YAY!!! So far grades are looking GREAT! I can't wait to catch- up with family and friends when I get home!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Eve Before Finals...

I wanted to write something with cute parody to "The Night Before Christmas"...yeah that didn't brain is thinking about Political Science and English lit...then it will be thinking about World Geography, then it gets a break then moves on to Chem/ nothing cute came to mind....well something did and then it left...good times, not!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Study Study Study!!!!

I have finals starting on Monday at this smiling face won't be smiling much untill next Thursday at 3pm when I am official FINISHED for the Fall 2008 semester!

The 1st Post!

WOW, so this is blogging...
I have a few family members who blog and I lover reading their,and though i would give it a try!!!

P.S. Spelling and grammer arn't really my thing...if you can't already tell... so SORRY in advance!