The last couple of days have been spent in Round Rock, hitting all the after Christmas sales...and going to Round Rock always means "shop till we drop"....we had an amazing time, don't get me wrong, but the fact that i was in bed by 11:30 Monday night was the BIG clue that we shopped ALL day.
We left around 10am and made it home about 1pm for lunch, left again about 2pm to head to the Round Rock outlet mail (that's a AWESOME place) left there about 5:30pm, went back to my Aunts House to make & eat dinner, left again about 7:45 and headed to the Pottery Barn...made it home about 9pm...and that was JUST Monday...Tuesday we left my Aunts house about 10:30 and shopped till about 3pm...then me,my mom, my sister & my 88 year old Granny left for the "berg" as the Round Rock group refers to Rosenberg...
I'm ALL shopped out!!!!