Thursday, February 26, 2009

40 Days and Counting

Yesterday was the kick-off to the Lenten Season, and for most us it is hard to give something up...but for me it is not, and if you think that Jesus gave up his LIFE for us on the Cross then to me giving up cokes, sweetsor whatever you decide to "give up" it is not that hard to talk oneself in to giving it up such things, because Jesus gave up his life for ALL people, I'm pretty sure I could only give it up my life for certain people.

My roommate and I have this little saying "You do the Jesus thing too!?", I am constantly trying to do the "Jesus thing", hope ya'll are to.

Have a blessed Lenten the countdown to Easter starts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Granny's Birthday Party!!!

We had Granny's 89th Birthday Party on Sunday, and it was a BLAST, but then again all of Granny's party's are GREAT!
Granny was SO exited that Father Bill was able to come to her party. She talked about him coming for weeks....this is one of my favorites from the whole day!!!

The cake. White with lemon filling, it was SO good!!!

Granny was so proud of Loren and is Beer Bread.

This is my other favorite...Colleen, Hattie, and Bailee (the puppy). These 3 were pretty much together 90% of the time. SUPER CUTE!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bailee Fred Blinka

This is Bailee Fred Blinka...she is a 6 week old Chocolate Lab, she weighs 5 lbs 4 oz. There well be plenty of pictures to come, this is the photo I borrowed from my brother's Myspace page :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Its Monday...

...and that means its quote time once again, please bear with me :)

"Some tension is necessary for the soul to grow, and we can put that tension to good use. We can look for every opportunity to give and receive love, to appreciate nature, to heal our wounds and the wounds of others, to forgive, and to serve."
- Joan Borysenko

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Have a lovely day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm least till Monday

I'm done.....I have finished my test and I have no Friday class....nothing I have to do, except church on Sunday and that dosn't count :)....ah but then it starts, another week...

8am-observaion in the Toddler II room10am
10am- class

11-get test back :(



Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Quote...

Mr. Adams said the following ...

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks ... It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men." - Samuel Adams

...Mr. Adams was a smart man!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I have no Friday classes...YAY me, but alas I still had to get up at 9am (I know I should not complain).....I have a meeting at 10am, then off to lunch in the cafeteria, then off again to work on my HMS 242 web!

My camera go left in Rosenberg thanks to Cameron ;)

I'll try to go and find pics to post soon!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Quot

By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy - indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self satisfaction.
- William Osler