Monday, March 23, 2009

I Found It!

So as soon as my spring break ended (when I pulled into my parking lot), I realized that I didn't have my bedroom key...AHHH it should have been on my key ring...but NO it wasn't...AHHH and if I couldn't come up with its $30.00 to replace it....but at last I found was in my bedroom, in my backpack, hidden in the at last it was safe and sound and NOT lost at all....HAHAHA

What a great day! Hope you had one too!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's HERE!!!

Yesterday I got a NEW (used) SUV...and I LOVE IT!

It is a 2007 Ford Edge, the color is called Dark Amethyst Metallic (but it looks black in the shade) ...I LOVE IT.....

.....have I told you how much I LOVE IT!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

and it STARTS

Today is my 1st official day of Spring BREAK and I'm super excited! I have had 3 tests this week a quiz...but I'm happy to be home, and ready for some "Megan Time"

...but before I get "Megan Time" I have to deal with this little critter...Bailee Fred is a whopping 12lbs of TEETH...OMG can she bit...and she's SUPER cute! This is her waiting for Colleen to come out of the Field House...GOSH I love this photo....supper glad I caught it on camera!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Break Count Down

4 days and counting....i can't wait for spring break...its weird i have nothing to do...but a lot todo at the same time....hahah can't wait...everything from birthday softball games...and shopping :)

i'll be sure to fill you in when i get the chance :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Luke 22:38

For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me.....and indeed what is written about me is coming to fulfillment. - Luke 22:38

I read this quote in a email I received today and thought it was appropriate for lent.