Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coming Home....again

I'll be headed back to Rosenberg on Wednesday for my Grandma Blinka's funeral. I'll be back in Nacogdoches on Sunday! Not looking foward to the long drive.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

KYE=Kappa Upsilon Sigma

Silly group shot!
The Pledges :)....and know we didn't plan on matching as well as we did!!!

Me and Brandie (my friend and pledge master)
I'm now the one of the newest pledges for the KYE, a Catholic Sorority :) I'm SUPER excited!!!
Sorry for the pics being so small....i got them from Facebook!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bailee Fred-8 months

I have not seen Bailee Fred in like 3 weeks....she is know 8 months old and bigger than I remember!!!! My mom sent me these photo's via camera on the cell phone :)

I don't remember her being that "tall".

This is her sitting next to my mom on the couch....she isn't allowed on the couch when dad's around....so he must not have been around when the picture was taken :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

24 Years Old

Today is my parents wedding aniversary, they have been married for 24 years...

....Happy Aniversary Mom & Dad!

Labor Day Quote...aka Monday Quote

We all start out with the same alphabet. We are all unique. Talent is not the most important thing --- discipline and dedication are. Craft can be learned but desire and longing are innate. Despite the demands of school and just being young, try to write SOMETHING every day --- a description, a captured emotion, a simile, a metaphor. Read, for crying out loud! A writer must read the way a ball player must go to the ballfield every day to practice. Everything is possible in this world of ours--- and so's publication.

- Robert Cormier, answering the question ...
..."What advice do you give to young people who want to be authors?"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kyle & Ashley's Wedding

August 29, 2009
Dripping Springs, TX
the bride's cake....which was very GOOD!

the grooms cake, they served both to all the guests...
....never seen that before, very COOL!

Kyle & Vera....aka Groom & Momma Dance (that was the best picture I could get)

The Bridal Portrait

Our table's center piece.

{Amanda's Graduation}

So this are backwards...but here they are!!!
Texas State, August 14, 2009 Graduation

Amanda after Kim, was done doing the "dirty work"

Kim in "action", Amanda didn't want anyone to mess with her cap....but how were we supposed to know where in 200 other graduate's she was....needless to say "we found her"

The BOBCATS!!!!!

The night before at Texas Road House in San Marcus....YAY for being 21!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Photo's Coming SOON!

i promise i will get photo's upload as soon as i get some extra free time.....ugh wish me luck!