Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bad Weather = Sad Times

My parents are on there way home from a family friend funeral in Missouri, hence the “sad times”. On Monday the weather at its high was 24 degrees, (that the bad weather, part 1) so it funny to hear people at Target says it SO cold outside…if they only knew. Well today the are headed back to a warmer Texas…but the funny part is the roads are so covered in ice they are having to go very very slow on a major interstate highway. When they left at noon, Little Rock was only 56 miles from were they started (or something like that) and at noon, they were still very far away from Little Rock…my mom said they would be lucky if they made it home by 10pm, but that the goal…and if need be they will stop somewhere if it gets dark before they make it home. Good Times Good Time!!!!!

My parents took photos...I'll try to post some photos soon!

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